Join Us to Begin Your Preparedness Plan

Posts By: Doug

We hope you took a few  moments to complete our short preparedness quiz. The quiz was designed as a tool to measure ones self-reliance. If your score was a bit low (like mine was) you may realize you still have a lot of work to do to be fully or even partially self-reliant.

Realistically, most of us aren’t really preparing for the Armageddon, but rather for an emergency or disaster that might disrupt our normal way of life for a period of time - a time period that may last a week, a month, six months or even longer.

As most of us are just ordinary people, living full and busy lives, working regular jobs, not former military, special-force professionals or hardcore  "Preppers"  we are just not sure how to begin an emergency preparedness plan.

So that is the goal of this blog, to provide a common sense approach to what we feel is an important topic - "Personal Self-Reliance", and to do so without using any fear tactics.

We know this blog won’t provide us with all of the answers or solutions needed to become totally self reliance.  What we hope it will do  is provide a forum for information sharing, allowing us to collectively generate common sense solutions and answers to many of our self reliance questions. 

We welcome discussion and any positive input or ideas you may have. We encourage you to share this information with families and friends and prompt others to join us in the self-reliance movement.ook forward to hearing from you.

We look forward to hearing from you.